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The Latest from the Garage Door Industry

Should I Do Repairs or Get a New Door?

September 24th, 2021|

Garage doors go through a lot. Our lives are fast-paced, so fast that the average garage door opens and closes almost 2,000 a year. Inevitably, this much use leads to things like cracked panels, paint ...

How to Lubricate Your Garage Door

September 17th, 2021|

Does your garage door make noise when it opens? Okay, of course, it does – But does it make a lot of noise? Is there screeching and banging every time you get home from a ...

Difference Between Chain Drive & Belt Drive

September 10th, 2021|

Both chain drive and belt drive garage door openers offer the same kind of function. You should know several things before making a purchase for your garage and planning on a new garage door opening ...

Benefits of a Gated Parking Lot

September 3rd, 2021|

If you own a business, one of your most important investments is in your employees. Keeping them and your business safe is essential to being successful. Providing your employees with a place where they can ...

Different Types of Commercial Garage Doors

August 27th, 2021|

If you're a business owner with a medium to a large-sized facility, chances are you've moved freight or heavy equipment in your day. You likely have a warehouse where you store these items. You also ...

This Year’s Garage Door Trends

August 20th, 2021|

Each year has trends: fashion, food, home décor, and yes, even garage doors. This week, Straight Up Garage Doors is explaining this year's garage door trends. Home Security Trends More and more people recognize the ...

The Importance of Keyless Entry Systems

August 13th, 2021|

Convenience is important when it comes to your garage door opening system and your garage in general. Some people use the garage as the main entrance to their house, after all! So it's easy to ...

Clean Garage Challenge

August 6th, 2021|

When it comes to summer, there is a lot of cleaning to do. Leaves are falling, bugs are accumulating, and dust is blowing around. It seems like a lot of hard work! So not many ...

What Should You Keep in Your Garage?

July 30th, 2021|

Should you keep a lawnmower your my garage? What about a riding mower – or a leaf blower? How about fishing supplies, kite wire, and old vinyl records? While the open sprawl of a garage ...

Are Glass Garage Doors Worth It?

July 23rd, 2021|

They must be, with how popular they're becoming. Every garage door material has its pros and cons, but what's so great about the glass garage doors? They come in a variety of materials and styles ...

How to Manually Open Your Garage Door

July 13th, 2021|

Let's say you've made it – you're where you always wanted to be, with the nicest looking garage door around. Things almost could not be better. You've come home after a great day out with ...

Why You Need a Garage Door Pro

June 27th, 2021|

If you're anything like most homeowners, chances are you're pretty handy around the house. A garage seems like a straightforward part of the home - It's just an empty box with a door for you ...

Garage Door Red Flags

June 20th, 2021|

Garage doors are the unsung heroes when it comes to our homes. They keep our vehicles and homes secure, compliment the façade of our house's architecture, and they ask for so very little in return. ...

Garage Insulation

June 13th, 2021|

It's almost here. Scorcher after scorcher under the bright Florida sun can mean great time spent outdoors. However, it is also a massive cooling bill if your home relies on air conditioning units to keep ...