Why Should You Replace Your Garage Door?

When it comes to your home, don’t think that what matters most is on the inside–how your home’s exterior looks can also pay big! You may not have considered to replace your garage door yet, a must-have on your home improvement list, but this article is likely to change your mind.

Home Value

Several reports cite that one of the best ways you can increase your home’s value and score some serious money with potential buyers is by giving the exterior a makeover–and that includes updating your garage door! In fact, garage door upgrades are the number one home-improvement project, as they see the greatest ROI; around 76% for mid-scale, and around 85% for upscale garage doors.

Buyers tend to be particularly pleased if you install a modern garage door that’s relatively low-maintenance. If you need more confirmation, just ask any real estate agent! They’re sure to tell you that homes with attached garages that are in good shape sell faster.


Probably the most obvious of the bonuses to replacing your old garage door is the boost it will give to your home’s curb appeal. With all sorts of options available for materials, styles, colors, and finishes, you can significantly improve your home’s appearance and transform how yours neighbors see it. This will especially be the case if your garage door is outdated and worn out.

Storage and Security

When you install a new garage door, you’re also better protecting your home and belongings than you would if you kept your old and outdated garage door. Of a particular importance if you live in areas with severe weather, a modern garage door is more wind-resistant than older models and prepared for bad weather or severe weather, helping you keep anything you may store in your garage space from being damaged.

Even if your area doesn’t suffer from the occasional severe weather, newer model garage doors are far better equipped with insulation and moisture barriers to preserve your belongings. Not to mention that these additional weather-resistant features are tougher for criminals to break into, making them more likely to give up and try next door. 

But not just your garage storage will be safer with a newer model of garage door–your home itself will be, too. While not the absolute in protection, a proper modernized garage door will deter thieves from breaking into your home thanks to many models featuring secure coding systems that make it almost impossible to open. 

Cooling and Heating Costs

We mentioned before how modernized garage door systems are outfitted with much better insulation and moisture barriers, and if you install a garage door with an R-16 insulation rating, you can save heaps of money on your heating and cooling costs–it might even pay for itself! 

Keeping cool air in during the summer and cold air out during the winter better than you used to may even inspire you to increase the utility of your garage by converting it into a playroom for your children, a workshop, a studio, or just well air-conditioned storage space.

Personal Safety and Insurance Benefits

Newer garage doors are equipped with better safety features than older models, like photoelectric detectors that can sense when someone is in proximity of the door while it’s in motion. The moment that it detects the beam has been broken, the door will go in reverse and open instead of closing to prevent people and property from being damaged. Another common design is the inclusion of lights so you can see what’s going on in the dark.

And with these added benefits of improving the security of your garage and home itself, some insurance companies will even offer benefits like reductions in payment. When you install your new garage door, be sure to inform your insurer so you can reap the benefits as soon as possible. And, if you need a company to install it, look no further than our experts at Straight Up Garage Doors.

Published On: October 20th, 2022 / Categories: Articles / Tags: /