Garage doors, as with anything else in the home, are becoming increasingly automated and linked to technology. Smart garage doors are growing in popularity, making many homeowners ask – are they really worth it?

Read on to explore the pros and cons of having a smart garage door system. We are not making one specific recommendation, simply examining both sides of the argument so you can decide what works best for you and your family.


  1. Notifications/Alerts

The ability to get information from your garage straight to your smart phone is likely the main reason that smart garages have gotten so popular. With smart garages, homeowners can monitor who is coming in and out of their home and when the comings and goings are happening. 

Typically, the app includes direct notifications as well as an activity log that homeowners can review. Most apps also let people open or control their garage door, no matter how far away they are.

  1. Video Monitoring

An added bonus of the smart garage door is video monitoring. If you are at work and get an alert in the middle of the day that someone opened your door, it can be concerning. However, your worries can be calmed simply by checking your garage door’s video camera. This peace of mind is absolutely invaluable. 

  1. Remote Control

If a smart garage is not controlled by an app, they often have a remote control. The remote control can also be included in addition to the app. These remotes are not like your average garage door opener. They allow you to check who is trying to get into your home. Their TV remote-like design is easy-to-use and functional. Their range is broad enough that you can use it from everywhere in your house.

  1. Connects to Existing Home Security Systems & other smart home technology

Smart cameras are designed with the tech savvy homeowner in mind. They operate with an understanding that you may already have other home security apps on your phone. Not only do smart garage doors tie into pre-existing security measures, they can tie into other smart home features as well. Your virtual assistants, like the Amazon Alexa or Google Dot can also link to smart garage door openers.


  1. Internet/Bluetooth Connection Problems

Perhaps the most common complaint about smart garage door openers is that they struggle with connection at time. These devices rely on Wi-Fi or a Bluetooth connection to be able to fulfill the “smart” part of smart garage door opener. These connections can be quite tenuous, so relying on the so heavily can lead to issues.

  1. Need to have phone on you

In order to access all of the benefits of a smart garage door opener, your phone must always be by your side. There is already concern about increasing technology dependency in the modern world, and smart home technology has increased those concerns. If you feel as though you need to have your phone by your side constantly in order to protect your home, that will lead to an unhealthy attachment.

  1. Signal can fade over time

A few brands have reported issues with the signal for the garage fading over time. As signal fades any remote controls will struggle and eventually the device itself will be slow to respond to commands. This issue does not plague all the available brands, but it is an important issue to look out for. 

  1. Specialized tech

If a smart garage door breaks, it is specialized technology, so trying to get it fixed can be very frustrating. It is always best to know the contact information for the company that produces the garage door, as well as the company that installed it.

Published On: September 11th, 2019 / Categories: Articles / Tags: , , /