Your garage has one job – to protect your vehicles from damage by keeping it tucked away from the elements. Sometimes a garage will have problems of its own though. Your garage door is an important piece of the puzzle and it can actually become a hazard. Sometimes it can become warped or the rollers can become damaged, leading to expensive repairs if not caught in time. Here are some basic tips that you can follow to help make sure that your garage door does not become a hazard.

Inspect the Door Itself

If you can visually see any physical damage to the door, then you need to repair it immediately. You might end up having to call in a professional if the damage if the damage is too great. Sometimes you can use a rubber hammer to bang out minor damage but if it’s too much, then you will need to call in a professional. All visible damage should be repaired as quickly as possible so that it does not become a hazard.

Check Brackets for Loose Bolts

As the garage door operates, it can cause the nuts and bolts to become loose. You need to inspect these every month and tighten them as needed. This is one of the most important tasks that homeowners should never take for granted.

The natural movement of the door will cause these bolts to loosen and the brackets will start to become less effective. Even the roller tracks can shift. This must be fixed immediately because it can lead to additional, more expensive damage. Again, be sure you inspect these brackets every month and tighten them as needed.

Perform a Visual Inspection of Garage Door Rollers

A lot of nylon rollers that are used in garage doors will deteriorate over time so you will need to check them on a regular basis. Make sure there are no visible chips or cracks. If your garage is equipped with steel rollers, then you will need to closely observe the bearings and see if the wheel is tilted. This can create uneven wear which will damage them over time. You can easily replace these rollers yourself. They can be purchased from most hardware stores.

Just remember to never remove the bottom roller during repair. It has a cable attached that is constantly under high tension. This cable can snap, leading to severe injuries.

Clean Lift Cables

Lift cables can wear down over time and should be cleaned at least once per month. The bottom is the area that has the most exposure to moisture so you should clean any dirt and buildup here. Old toothbrushes or bristled brushes are the best bet here. If one of the cables looks visibly worn, then you need to call a technician immediately.

End each monthly inspection with one final check of the track and make sure that it’s level. You can place a level against the back to make sure that it’s aligned properly. If not, you might have to unscrew the track support slightly until it moves slightly.



Published On: November 13th, 2018 / Categories: Articles, News / Tags: /