Like all other electrical devices, your garage opener is prone to malfunctioning. As you may know, professional garage door repair services are not cheap, especially if the source of the issue is the opener. Thus, if there is anything you can do in order to prevent such problems, you’d better find out. As a matter of fact, there are some things that you can do on your own, which may help you troubleshoot the broken opener. If nothing else, you can, at least, save money on the diagnostic.

How to Decide Whether You Should Book a Garage Door Repair Service

The first step you need to take is making sure the problem comes from the opener and not from the garage door itself. In order to do so, you have to disconnect the door from the opener. You can do that by pulling down the emergency cord and checking to see if you can open the door manually. In case you can open it without straining yourself, then the door is not the problem.
There are a few reasons why your garage door opener may be malfunctioning. One of them is the lack of electricity. Check whether the green LED of your opener is on. If it’s not, then unplug the device and test the outlet. It’s common for an opener to trick the circuit breaker in the main service panel, so in case the outlet is not energized, then a tripped breaker may be the problem. If the outlet is fine, then inspect the cord that connects the opener to the outlet. In case you see any signs of damage, burning or stripping, then the cord may be the fault. In such a situation, you have to hire a reliable garage door repair specialist who can change the opener’s power cord.
Finally, in case the cord is not the problem, then you have fried the logic board. This typically happens when the garage door itself has some issues, and that makes the opener overload. Replacing the logic board doesn’t cost as much as a new one, plus the service is almost the same price you would pay for an entirely new opener. But right before you decide to buy a new opener, make sure to give Straight up Garage Doors a call. If you are a resident of Plant City, FL and you want to take advantage of our repair service, be sure to contact us at (813) 754-9552.


Published On: December 18th, 2017 / Categories: Uncategorized /