As a commercial garage door technician, I can tell you without a doubt that I’ve worked on pretty much any issue that you can think of. Yet there are still issues that pop up and surprise us! I’ve found tiny insect nests on sensors before that caused the auto reverse to fail. I’ve even saw a door that fell of the track because of a tennis ball!

While there are times that you might be able to fix some problems yourself, a lot of the time you will need to hire a professional. With that said, here are some of the top reasons why your garage door might not be working.

Dead Batteries

This one is kind of obvious, but it’s amazing at how many times I’ve been called out only to discover that the batteries in the transmitter need to be replaced. The problem is that people always think of the remote batteries but they forget about those in the remote.

Check the batteries inside of the transmitter by using the wall unit to open the door. If it does, then it is not the transmitter. It could be the remote.

Auto-Reverse Feature Broken

You probably remember a game that was played during childhood –where we would close a garage door and then rush under it as quickly as possible. This game is no longer possible because of the safety technology that is not equipped on garage doors. This auto-reverse feature will make the door stop closing when it senses an object under it. It’s designed to keep the door from closing on a person or object. However, sometimes this feature can malfunction. If the door is not closing properly, then start by inspecting the sensors. Make sure they are clear of debris.

The Track is Out of Alignment

The garage door track being out of alignment is a serious problem. You need to make sure that the door is running along the proper track. If you see a gap between the rollers and the track railing, then you need to get this fixed as quickly as possible. This will usually be accompanied by loud noises and shaking of the door. This will only get worse so it’s important that you get it fixed quickly.

Remember that the door can still operate even if the tracks are misaligned but you stop using it! Call a professional to fix this issue. Do not attempt this on your own without the proper tools.

Antenna is Being Blocked

If you are in range but the garage door will not open, there might be something blocking the antenna. Check to make sure that there is no obstructions getting in the way of the signal. You also need to check the antenna to make sure that it has not been damaged. If it has, then you will need to call in a technician to fix it.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to address problems as quickly as you find them, no matter how small they seem to be. Small problems tend to lead to large, expensive ones down the road.


Published On: February 20th, 2019 / Categories: Articles / Tags: /